Week Fourteen: Celebrate Your Life
This course was an eye-opening experience for me. I tried to apply everything that I learned each week to myself and my business. I thought it would be fun to do a recap of each week: Week One: Purpose of the Course I felt empowered by learning that I already am an entrepreneur! I did not realize the hardwired entrepreneurial spirit that we already have. I have found over the past few years that I need to be an entrepreneur. As a stay at home mom, I felt like I needed an outlet. Not an MLM or anything like that, but a business that I can run as my own. Week Two: Creating a Life of Meaning When I was a child, I never had a "dream job." All of my friends dreamed about being the typical things: Doctor, Lawyer, Veterinarian, etc., but I only had one thing that I wanted to do. I wanted to grow up, get married, and have children. I wanted to be a mom, and I have achieved that dream. I got married almost twelve years ago and have four beautiful children. It turns out th