Week 13: Attitude of Gratitude

I always enjoy reading President Monson's talk on "An Attitude of Gratitude." It is always wonderful to take a step back and focus on everything that we are grateful and blessed to have. My husband and I always make it a point to ensure that our children say what they are thankful for in their prayers.

I've noticed that it is hard to think of all of our blessings when we are distracted with worldly things. I saw this past week how overwhelmed I have been. We went on a family trip to Orlando, and in the process of packing, I became extremely overwhelmed with everything that I needed to get done. Luckily, my husband was able to step in and ask what other things needed to be handled. I was so grateful for his question.

I cracked at the moment of despair, but then I got down on my knees and prayed during the moment of packing. I took a moment to thank my Heavenly Father for my children, our blessings, and to be able to go on a trip. I asked for help to prepare for our trip, not be in pain, and enjoy being with my family on vacation. I was able to gain peace, comfort, and clarity after that personal prayer. Within twenty minutes, everything was packed and taken care of. We had a fantastic family trip. We spent a lot of time laughing, swimming, and making memories.

I pondered on the attitude of gratitude this entire week. Refreshing myself on President Monson's talk was a fantastic reminder to trust Him in all aspects of our lives. I have made it a goal to find gratitude in the big and small things. I have also made it a goal to find gratitude in my business endeavors. I know that my Heavenly Father will continue to bless us and our posterity when I express thanks and gratitude.


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