Week Ten: Dream Big Dreams

I enjoyed this week's materials quite a bit. I have noticed in my entrepreneurial journey that my emotions and moods fluctuate daily. Sometimes, I have a tremendous high and feel on top of the world. Other days, I think that I am not doing enough and that my business will diminish. I am so grateful for the opportunity we had in another week to tackle those potential weaknesses. It gave me a game plan for my business and how to stay focused.
I will be the first to admit that my emotional fingerprint the past few years has changed. A lot of those changes are hormone-related to my thyroid. My thyroid takes a big nosedive after the birth of a child. It then takes at least three years to get everything back on track. It is so easy to feel defeated. It is easy to give up on something, and I believe that is part of 'the challenge' that Elder Oaks eludes to in his talk, "The Challenge to Become."
I keep an Attitude/Gratitude journal and encourage my clients to do the same as they purge their physical clutter. By keeping a journal and releasing these thoughts, they also mentally declutter and sort out problems. I began to have lousy self-talk, and it was becoming detrimental to my mental health. So, I started writing in a regular composition book. I write down all of my negative feelings in one column, and then I write in the second column how to change those feelings. On the other page next to it, I write down everything that I am grateful for in the day. It has helped retrain my mind to be positive and self-soothing. I also keep smart goals for the week, month, and year as well.
I believe the best process for me to follow in dreaming big is to continue my Attitude/Gratitude journal. I need to be mentally aware of where I am in the plan, continue to be grateful, and follow the SMART goals I set.


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