Week Twelve: Becoming a Change Maker

I had a hard time focusing this week. Over the weekend, I celebrated July 4th with family. I indulged in extra treats and a hamburger and hot dog. The next day  I began to have a full-on Fibromyalgia Attack. The feeling of helplessness and tiredness has been unreal. I cannot describe how weak and helpless I feel. It made me reflect on how my clients feel before I come and help them sort everything.

My brain has had me "down in the dumps." I have been experiencing the lows that one can feel when they are in pain. Chronic pain throws me into a dark mindset. It is hard when I cannot control how my body feels. I like to be in charge, busy, and in control.

I found the video clip "A New Breed of Entrepreneur," incredibly interesting, mainly since he discussed smallpox and no pandemic being greater. I think we have experienced a similar amount of deaths due to Covid-19. His stories of going door-to-door for months on end sounded familiar. It made me stop and think whether the United States will have to do that since there has been another spike.

I feel like we are moving backward instead of forward with this pandemic. It feels hard to see the ending of a pandemic that has last over six months. I love that he took it a step further and said that he could still find miracles walking down the street. He mentioned all of the children who had gaps in between the smallpox bumps. He knew that those children would eventually recover from their ailments.

I love that we can be our own change-makers. We can create good in bad situations. If we remain positive, then it is easier to find a positive outcome and trust in our Savior.


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